Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Address change

Dear friends I'm changing my postal address, I moved to my new place last weekend (were I'm building a new studio too :-))
I'll send a e-mail with the new address.
Thanks a lot

Marty`s book is here!

It`s here! arrived while I was watching Wimbledon live in the afternoon :p
(sorry for the poor cellphone pic)

beautiful envelope again Lynne!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

White Fang

I dedicate this my page to one of my favorite author: Jack London.
Lynne I hope that like it.

Friday, June 26, 2009

A postcard from Syria

I like think to offer at this group one page of my diary.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The good old days

my entry for Martys book....two non-pc subjects, smoking and cowboys. Cowboy films from my youth where men were men, killed red indians ( native americans) and  smoked . Everyone in films smoked. The famous Marlboro man died from lung cancer I believe :-(
a bit of a quiet entry, but I hope you like it Marty

Monday, June 22, 2009

USA has arrived!

Marty's book has arrived, wow it looks amazing..............this is going to be fun :-)

Monday, June 8, 2009

Ill Bill

Finished the entry on Marty's moly. Will send to Lynne asap.

I've never been in USA, and I dont know much about from direct experience, so I thought I would draw something about music, I like rap and of course USA is still unbeaten (spelling) when it comes to that style, though we have some really good dudes here in Spain (few)
So here is what comes around rap, money, violence, hate, but also lyrical skills and mastery of the rythm and mesure, but overall competition, and a lot of acting and creating ficticious characters, and Ill Bill is a good representation of that

So hope you like it Marty ;)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

City Moly on his way

Jose`s city moly ;)
I think it` time to pass the book to Marty!

I was going to take a shot of the little parcel with the post office, but Monday is always the peak time of the post staff, so.... maybe next time..

Have a nice trip to you moly!